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Medieval X Modern

Exhibition Info
Installation view of Medieval X Modern, Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austi…
Medieval X ModernSaturday, December 10, 2022 - Sunday, August 27, 2023

Many artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries were fascinated by the styles and subjects of medieval art. Soaring cathedrals and ornate illuminated manuscripts impressed artists living in an era of increasing mechanization, while reverent visions of saints and heroes offered inspirational models in the midst of war and political violence. Along with representative medieval objects, Medieval X Modern presents the work of modern artists from Europe and the Americas who created prints, drawings, paintings, illustrated books, sculptures, and decorative objects informed by the spectacular craftsmanship and compelling historical figures of the Middle Ages. Scholars and artists also produced publications illustrating royal treasures and architectural remains that not only testify to a pride in the medieval past, but also serve nationalistic narratives in the present. Drawing primarily from the Blanton’s permanent collection, Medieval X Modern offers a wide array of artistic responses to the European Middle Ages, including one of the museum’s most iconic works—Ellsworth Kelly’s Austin.

Curated by Christine Zepeda, Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Prints, Drawings, and European Art and Holly Borham, Associate Curator of Prints, Drawings and European Art, Blanton Museum of Art.

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